Foundation Stone
The foundation stone of St George’s, Meadows was laid by Bishop Short on Saturday 25 September 1869 and there are accounts of the proceedings in both the Advertiser (2 Oct 1869) and the Register (12 Oct 1869).
The Bishop arrived at 3.00 pm and was received with a hearty welcome by the Churchwardens, Building Committee and between three and four hundred persons.
Captain George Dashwood then invited the Bishop to perform the ceremony. The Bishop conducted the service usual on such occasions; after which he took the trowel, spread the mortar, tried the stone and declared it well and truly laid. Then followed a brief but appropriate address.
Three hymns were sung during the service, Mrs H. E. T. Connor presiding at the harmonium; and at the conclusion, a bottle, containing the the following document, was placed in an excavation made in the stone:
St George’s Church, Meadows. The foundation-stone of this church, dedicated to St. George, was laid at the Meadows by the Right Reverend Augustus Short. D.D., Lord Bishop of Adelaide, on the 25th day of September, in the year of our Lord, 1869, in the thirty-second year of the reign of Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir James Fergusson, Bart, being Governor of the colony; the trustees being at that time George Vickery, J.P., George Dashwood, Charles H. T. Connor, James Stone, Thomas Jones, and Jesse Catt; the ground having been presented by George Vickery, Esq., J.P., of the Meadows. George Vickery, Jesse Catt, Churchwardens. Messrs. Fry & Co., of Dashwood Gully, Builders.
His Lordship presented a copy of the writing to Mr Hawkes, the Registrar desiring him to register the same.
Description of the New Church
The Church is to be built in the Gothic style of architecture and of freestone from Mr. Holland’s quarry, Meadows with ashlar quoins and will hold about 200 people. The building will be 50 feet long, 25 feet wide, and 18 feet high inside. The tower will be 10 feet x 10 feet, and 20 feet high; the porch 8 x 8 and there are 19 buttresses. The architect is Mr. John Haddock, of Meadows; and the builders Messrs. Fry and Prewett, of Glengrove. The cost was £1,500.
Opening of the Church
The Church was opened by Bishop Short on Sunday 3 July 1870. The morning service also included the confirmation of a number of candidates. However, by comparison with the the report of the Laying of the Foundation Stone the press coverage was rather laconic:
OPENING OF MEADOWS CHURCH: On Sunday, July 3, St George’s Church, Meadows, was formally opened by the Bishop of Adelaide. In the morning a considerable number were confirmed. The building could not contain all who flocked from every direction; there must have been over 300 present. The collections amounted to over £7. Lunch was provided by Host Colman in the schoolroom for the Bishop and a few others who had come from a distance. The South Australian Register, 8 July 1870
George Vickery was my great great grandfather. It may be of interest that he donated the land on which this church stands.
George Vickery was my great ,great, great grandfather! He had lots of children . I am descended from the Vickery-Wade side. Will go inside the church when open.
As you would know the church is badly in need of restoration despite being on Register of Historic buildings. Have donated some money but am keen that it does not deteriorate further before significant money found for restoration.