Lenten Studies

During Lent our Bible Study following the Wednesday morning Eucharist at Christ Church, Strathalbyn will be focussed on the Gospel reading for the following Sunday.

The dates and passages are as follows:
Ash Wednesday, 18th February, Mark 1: 9-15
Wednesday, 25th February, Mark 8: 31-38
Wednesday, 4th March, John 2: 13-22
Wednesday, 11th March, John 3: 14-21
Wednesday, 18th March, John 12: 20-33
Wednesday, 25th March, Mark 15: 1-39
Wednesday, 1st April, Mark 16: 1-8

We invite all parishioners and other visitors to share in the Eucharist at 9.30 am and then join us for a cuppa and study which lasts for about an hour, finishing at about 11.15 am.


Painting of Christ Church

Painting the interior of Christ Church, Strathalbyn
Painting the interior of Christ Church, Strathalbyn

The interior painting of Christ Church begins on Monday 16th February. The church will be unavailable for services on the following Sundays: February 15th and 22nd; March 1st.

The services on these Sundays will be as follows:
Sunday 15th February, 10.00 am, St Mary’s Milang.
Sunday 22nd February, 10.00 am, St George’s Meadows.
Sunday 1st March, 10.00 am, St John’s Langhorne Creek.

Wednesday Services will be held in the Hall at 9.30 am.

Bishop’s Visit to Strathalbyn

On Sunday 25th January we welcomed Bishop John to the 10.00 am Eucharist at Christ Church, Strathalbyn at which he was the celebrant and preacher. After the service he shared a cuppa with the members of the congregation and many of them took the opportunity to speak to him.

Bishop John at Christ Church
Bishop John at Christ Church

Christmas Pageant Concert

This year the Strathalbyn Inter-Church Council took on the challenge of providing the entertainment following the annual Christmas Pagent. A large crowd was present on the lawns beside the Angas River for a concert featuring local artists before the evening concluded with a fantastic fire-works display. The organisers and performers deserve our thanks for the effort they put into the arrangements for the evening.

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-76" src="http://strathalbynanglicans acheter generic viagra.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AlexSingers.jpg” alt=”AlexSingers” width=”576″ height=”432″ srcset=”https://strathalbynanglicans.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AlexSingers.jpg 576w, https://strathalbynanglicans.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AlexSingers-300×225.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 576px) 100vw, 576px” />

The Alexandrina Singers

New Look at Christ Church



The Parish Church of Strathalbyn has embarked on a major refurbishment of the church’s interior recently, and at the time of writing a new sound system has been installed and is currently operative, with all wiring now concealed under new flooring laid throughout the Nave. The Sound Desk and Keyboard have been moved from the front of the Nave and re-positioned to the back of the Church. This major shift also included relaying the Nave flooring to not only hide all wiring, but importantly to bring the flooring onto one level for safety considerations for the congregation when entering the church and into pews. The new Sound System and wiring installation have been upgraded to prepare for any future enhancements such as video projector and screen.

Christchurch clergy and parishioners are indebted to the whole team, particularly Lyall Pfeiffer and Keven Clonan pictured above, whose expertise and labour have brought us this far. The next step, already well in hand, is a complete redecoration of the interior and new carpeting to be laid throughout. This refurbishment has included the positioning of a new Church Notice Board in a modern design, welcoming all to the worship of our Lord.

Rev. David Smith