Many thanks to you all for your great support throughout the year. Together we have been able to touch many lives with God’s heart of love. Your generous spirit of giving has enabled me to support families with volunteering, meals, hampers, vouchers, furniture, a staff lunch, a Christian Option program and the list goes on.

The family we were helping with furniture now have beds and bedding, wardrobes, lounge, washing machine, kitchen table and chairs, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans – and even an offer of bikes for the children. It was great to receive so many phone calls offering help. The Mum, Judith, asked me to please pass on her very sincere thanks to all the churches.
Thank you for all your help with the catering day where we provided morning tea and lunch for all Eastern Fleurieu staff (120) at their recent Professional Development Day. This was such a beautiful way to bless the staff.
Our Christmas Christian Option Program was a great day with a very high percentage of children attending.
The meals we have provided have been such a great way to support a families in need. A text from one such mum to me said ” Thanks for your help to myself and my young family. We appreciated everything you do for us, you are amazing with a beautiful heart.”
Folks I couldn’t do this work with out all you do standing along side of me. Praise God how love and grace touches lives.
May your Christmas be filled with God’s love, peace , hope and joy.
God bless,
Kaye Gale (Pastoral Care Worker).