Welcome Kyra May

Kyra May's Baptism at St John's, Langhorne Creek, Sunday 5th July 2015
Kyra May’s Baptism at St John’s, Langhorne Creek, Sunday 5th July 2015

It was a very happy morning at the early service on Sunday 5th July at St John’s when Kyra May’s family and friends brought her to be baptized and made a member of Christ, a child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven. We pray that as she grows up she will come to know for herself the Good News of the Kingdom.


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Sunday after Ascension to Pentecost (17th to 24th May 2015)

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was first observed in Australia in the early 1950s by the students of St Michael’s House at Crafers, S.A. and Ormond College in Melbourne, Vic.

This was the result of the enthusiasm of Fr Gabriel Hebert, S.S.M. and Professor Davis McCaughey who had shared in such prayer in Europe.

The observance of a Week of Prayer for Unity was originally proposed in 1908 and held in January each year. However its intention was the reunion of Christendom with the Roman Catholic Church.

A French Catholic priest, the Abbé Paul Couturier who had worked with large numbers of Russian refugees in the 1920s realized that they, as members of the Orthodox Church, could not share in prayers for that particular scheme of unity.

As a result he suggested that we should pray for the unity of all Christians according to the will of Christ and by the means which he chooses. This is a prayer in which all Christians are able to share.

He worked tirelessly to promote better understanding between Christians of different traditions and for the week of prayer for Christian Unity up till the time of his death in 1953.

This was the Week of Prayer which was brought to Australia, but since January was not a good month in which  to promote such an observance it was decided to hold it in the period between Ascension and Whitsunday.

This is a most appropriate time, especially as the Gospel for the Sunday after the Ascension includes Jesus’ prayer to the Father for his Church: “…that they may be one, as we are one.”

WallsofSeparation‘The walls of separation do not rise as far as heaven.’
—Metropolitan Platon Gorodetsky (1803-1891) of Kiev.

Daily Prayer of the Chemin Neuf (New Way) Community, based on Couturier:

Lord Jesus, who prayed that we might all be one,
we pray to You for the unity of Christians,
according to Your will, according to Your means.
May Your Spirit enable us to experience the suffering caused by division,
to see our sin,and to hope beyond all hope. Amen.

Mothers’ Union Birthday

The following news item appeared in the pages of The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser on the 17th December 1897.

“The Governor and Lady Victoria Buxton being on a visit to Strathalbyn, the opportunity was taken of asking her ladyship to attend a meeting in the institute on Monday afternoon for the purpose of establishing a branch of the Mothers’ Union. Although only a few hours’ notice had been given a fair number of ladies attended the meeting, and the Rev. A. Wheeler, the incumbent of Christ Church, presided. Lady Victoria Buxton gave a touching address on the objects and work of the society, remarking that although the society was worked on church lines that was not a barrier to any mother joining the union.”

Mothers' Union 117th Birthday.
Mothers’ Union 117th Birthday.

The Strathalbyn branch of the Mothers’ Union continues to meet regularly and the members celebrated their 117th birthday on Tuesday 12th May with a service of Holy Communion in Christ Church when new members Barbara Wilson and Patricia Mold were welcomed. They then enjoyed afternoon tea in Jocelyn Williamson’s garden at Meadows.


Bishop’s Visit to Strathalbyn

Bishop John was the celebrant at the Eucharist on Sunday 19 April at Christ Church, Strathalbyn at which we gave thanks for the successful renovation of the Church building. During the service the Bishop also licensed the Rev’d Adrian Stephens for ministry within the Diocese of The Murray. Adrian was previously Rector of Mount Barker and Rural Dean of Strathalbyn before spending twelve years in Sydney as Rector of Christ Church Saint Laurence.

Fr Adrian Stephens receiving his Licence from the Bishop.


Easter Day Dawn Service at Strathalbyn

This year, for the first time for many years, a combined Service for all the Christian Churches in Strathalbyn was organized by the Inter Church Council and held in the Memorial Gardens. The start time for the Easter Day Dawn Service appropriately was set at 6.15 am and was attended by a large crowd of around 100.

Pastor Wayne Kerber of the Lutheran Church started proceedings and led the singing with his Guitar. Pastor Daryll Telfer of the Church of Christ spoke of the message of the day, and the Easter Gospel Story of the Resurrection of our Lord was read by Rev. David Smith. ICC Chairperson Sue Eckert. RC.,  led the Intercessions. The whole Service was very much enjoyed, and was considered to be most meaningful in reminding us all of this wonderful day when death was finally defeated.

A fish breakfast followed, cooked by members of the Lutheran Church, and all appreciated this coming together again of all Christians in our Town.


Easter Morning at Strathalbyn.
Easter Morning at Strathalbyn.

Rural Theology Day

On Saturday 21 March 2015 members of Strathalbyn Parish, together with folk from as far away as Renmark and Christies Beach met with Bishop Michael Langrish at Mount Barker to consider a biblical model for the mission of the Church in rural areas.

Bishop Michael who is a former Bishop of Exeter, an English diocese which includes many rural communities in Devon, described the kind of situation which is faced by the Church in many country villages there as more and more people move away from the cities to live in the country. Surprisingly the situation there is not dissimilar to that which we experience in our country towns.

In order to meet the challenge which this new situation brings he presented us with a biblical model based on the history of the people of Israel and the story of the development of the Church as it spread from Jerusalem into all the world. This was then illustrated by reference to the way in which the Church was brought to England in past centuries and then to Australia in more recent times.

We came away with a great deal to think about and to share with our fellow parishioners in the weeks ahead.


Beverley Stone and Sarah Driden with Bishop Michael Langrish.
Beverley Stone and Sarah Dridan with Bishop Michael Langrish.

World Day of Prayer at Strathalbyn


This year’s World Day of Prayer service was held on Friday 6th March in the Strathalbyn Catholic Church and hosted by the Anglican ladies. About fifty people took part, representing the Uniting Church, Church of Christ and the Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist and Anglican churches.

Jan Payne welcomed everyone and led the service. Expanding on the theme, “Do you know what I have done to you?” a bowl, jug, towels and twelve pairs of sandals were placed near the altar (see above). Because the national bird of the Bahamas is the Flamingo, two large birds were also part of the display.

A DVD showed many aspects of life and the scenery in the islands.

The guest speaker, Eileen Smith from the Anglican Church spoke of the hidden poverty and the hardships which exist in the apparent paradise. She then described the radical way in which Jesus showed his love to the disciples.

The amazing amount of $401.00 was raised for ongoing work in various centres.

Following the service those present shared in the fellowship of a cuppa and a chat and thus concluded a night which also provided plenty of food for thought.

Many thanks to the Catholic ladies for all their help with the change of venue made necessary by the renovating at the Anglican Church.

Renovation Completed

The renovated interior of Christ Church, Strathalbyn.
The renovated interior of Christ Church, Strathalbyn.

It is great to see the transformation of the interior of the church which has been completely repainted and new carpet laid. I am sure that we are all looking forward to our return to the church to worship together next Sunday at 10.00 am. All those who have been involved in the work have done a wonderful job and deserve our heartfelt thanks.


Sunday Service at Meadows

Congregation at St George's Meadows on Sunday 22 February 2015
Congregation at St George’s Meadows on Sunday 22 February 2015

Since the interior of Christ Church, Strathalbyn is still being painted this Sunday’s service was held at St George’s, Meadows. The forecast was for a very hot day but the congregation included parishioners from all parts of the parish. Fr Chris was the celebrant and preacher and we are grateful to Des Schild for playing the organ.